Born : 21 January 2005 Gender : Female
Colour: Black, tan & white Weight : 50 lbs
Position : Leader and team
Gealach Mor Siberians
Working sleddogs - just for the love of it...........

Cuchi of Seppala, a very special dog. She is a pure Markovo Seppala, our first Seppala Siberian Sled Dog from the JJ Bragg project, a great worker, a calm, friendly dog and an absolute doll.
She craves attention and affection, willingly pours herself onto you and seems happy to adopt all sorts of weird, uncomfortable looking positions if it means being able to be close to us.
She joined us from Poland Springs Seppala Sled Dogs in February 2010 and immediately made herself at home.
She's a strapping girl, well built with an effortless gait and is happy running any position with any partner. She does lead too but can be distracted and likes to visit with any passing teams. That appears to be her one drawback and it seems based on her incredible social personality. Hopefully, we can teach her that when working, social interaction should be limited to a quick glance. Plenty of time for playing afterwards.
Cuchi had been bred before we got her and her son, Centaurus is hard at work at Snowy Owl Tours in Canmore, Alberta. He also appeared in the Mushing Magazine's Superdogs feature in the Jan/Feb 2011 issue.